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Car Track Day
03/11/2024 - Seighford Driving Centre

Public Drift Day
Noise Limit: 95 dB
Product ID: 18780
Drive by: 95 dB
Event Info

08:30 - Arrive and sign-on
08:45 - Safety briefing
09:00 - Track opens
12:30 - Hour break
13:30 - Track opens
16:00 - Track closes

The format of the day is fairly relaxed, allowing drivers to come on and off the track as they please. The Marshals will guide drivers as to when it's safe to enter the track.

You can expect around 5 hours of seat time during the day (as long as your car survives!).

Please read the 'event info' and 'requirements' tabs before placing a booking.

These Public Drift Days provide a safe environment for drivers to let off steam and have fun while practicing drifting away from the roads and on a circuit. The marshals ensure it's a safe and controlled environment.

All the marshals are drivers themselves so they are also on hand to give you help and assistance to advance. There will always be a minimum of one or two British Drift Championship drivers on hand on these events.

Tyre vans and support vehicles will be present at all of the events for free air and free tyre changing. Tyres left to dispose of are charged at £2.50 per tyre.

The entry fee is £5 for visitors/spectators who are not pre-paid as a driver or passenger.

Please read all information in the requirements tab before placing a booking.
Crash helmets must be worn at all times when in the cars. With Open Face helmets you must also wear a balaclava.
Side windows are preferred to be open and enclosed within the door skin.
Arms and legs must be covered by drivers and passengers.
Anyone found to be putting their arms out of the windows will be black flagged and removed from track.
A Handheld fire extinguisher must be fitted within drivers reach.
Cars must be silenced and be within the noise limit of the event.
A down turn must be fitted to the rear of the exhaust, this can be slip on / bolt on or welded. A stock exhaust without a downturn will not be permitted to run.
Any visitor thought to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be asked to leave the site and no refund will be possible.
Anyone under the age of 17 and without a valid driving license must be approved by a Marshall to confirm they can drive and operate a drift car. You will obtain a permit on the day to drive.
Any rubbish must be taken away with you on the day and your pit space must be left as you found it. Rubbish can be deposited into bins provided.
Please read all information in the requirements tab before placing a booking.
Main driver first name   * required
Main driver last name   * required
Car make/model   * required
Experience level   * required


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